Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ABC's of the Perfect Handmade Holiday

Starting today Stampin' Up! is offering a Special Promotion called the "ABC's of the Perfect Handmade Holiday Bundles" What do the ABC's stand for and how will you benefit from getting in on this promotion?       
A is for Amazing cards
B is for Beautiful packaging
C is for Cherished gifts
These special Holiday product bundles are awesome, and the best part is they are being offered to you at a full 20% discount! How cool is that! This special promotion runs from October 19th to December 16th, so if you haven't started those special cards or Holiday Gifts, now is the perfect time. Please click on the attached flier to enlarge it and check out all the bundles, or click here to visit my web page.
Please note:  There is no minimum purchase required to participate in this promotion, but make sure when you're placing your order that you use only the bundle item codes provided on the flyer, otherwise the 20 percent discount will not be applied.

Thanks for dropping by and happy shopping!!! 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to All My Canadian Friends, SU Demos and Customers

Hi to my fellow Canadians who are celebrating Thanksgiving  this weekend!  I hope your household and family are blessed with all the goodness of the season, and you take time to reflect on all the things that make your life wonderful and happy!  I'm thankful for the roof over my head, plentiful food on the table, a fabulous husband who makes my day, every day, a family that has been blessed with good health and many other good things.  So enjoy today!

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Friday, October 8, 2010

And The Winner Is........................

Hi everyone.  Thanks so much for entering my draw for a free pass to UStamp With Dawn and Friends!!! Get a Jump on Your Jingle!  I've received 12 fabulous comments (one was disqualified because it came in twice), letting me know what your favourite Christmas traditions were.  Wow sounds like you folks have some really great traditions and love Christmas time as much a I do.  Everything from shopping on Black Friday (actually people watching) to going to the woods to chop down the Christmas tree.  How wonderful! 

So without further ado, I ran my 12 numbers through the random number picker and #9, Dale is my lucky winner!!!!  Congratulations Dale Morin..................I'm so happy for you.
Dale Morin said...

"We have a family tradition of baking dozens of cookies in December to give away. It's loads of fun and tastes really good!"

Oh Yummy Dale that sounds like so much fun and good too!  I'll be in touch with you by email.  Once again congratulations!
Random Number Picker Enter a number:
I want a number between 1 and… 12
Random number code based on JavaScript documentation on the Mozilla Developer Center.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Delightful Decorations Flag and Joy Cards

Here's a sneak peak at my latest design for the UStamp With Dawn and Friends!!! Cards With Cool Moves" Fall Edition 2010. There is still time to sign up for this fabulous session and get the tutorial for this "Flag Card" technique as well as 39 other awesome tutorials by other designers featuring every kind of movement card you can imagine. Believe me when I say this has been an awesome event, and very worthwhile. To find out more information regarding signing up for CardsWith Cool Moves, check out Dawn's website at: http://ustampwithdawnandfriends.com/.

Win a Free Pass to Get a Jump on Your Jingle......Holiday Papercrafting 2010

Don't miss your oppotunity to WIN A FREE PASS to Ustamp with Dawn and Friends!!! Get A Jump On Your Jingle.   So far I only have 9 participants who've left their comments so don't be left out!!!

This time around I have only "One Free Pass" to give away, and to be entered in my draw all you have to do is:    Add a comment telling me what your favourite holiday tradition is, and include your name and email address so I can contact you.
Final draw is tomorrow October 8th at 8:00pm EST, so don't delay! Comment today by following this link:  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dasher Gift Card Holder

Dasher is one of my all time favourite Christmas Stamps manufactured by Stampin' Up!  Its simple, versatile and for me epitomizes Christmas mystery and spirit.   So it was only natural when I decided to make a gift card holder that I would choose my favourite stamp.

This gift card holder is made using Kraft cardstock, and a beautiful scripted designer paper from the Deck the Halls DSP featured on page 18 of the Holiday Mini (#120810).  I laid the card stock and the DSP together and then cut them out using the Big Shot Top Note Die cut (#113463 pg. 207 IB&C).  I didn't have any Always Artichoke ribbon, which would have been the perfect shade of green to go with this paper, so chose to use Old Olive #117292 5/8" Satin Ribbon featured on pg. 191 of the IB&C 2010/11. I love the antique brads on page 187 of the cattie and this little silver snowflake brad is the perfect embellisment, allowing the card to swing open and reveal the surprise gift inside.  

This photo shows another angle of the card when it is opened.

This shows the backside of the card with the little easel stand I made.  In retrospect I should have covered this side with the DSP too as I really hate seeing hardward on the reverse or inside of a card............it's like it's unfinished or unprofessional.  Okay back to the drawing board.

Here's a last look at the front of the Dasher Gift Card Holder.  I kind of like it, how about you?  I'd appreciate your comments.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stampin' Up! - Clearance Rack Blitz

I have some exciting news that you're going to want to get in on!!!! Stampin' Up! needs to make room in the Distribution Center for new products, so they are offering some great deals on inks, buttons, die cuts and much, much more starting today through October 18th.  In fact, Stampin' Up! is adding over two hundred more discontinued items to the Clearance Rack and some of these will be at up to 80 percent off!!!

While the Blitz lasts from October 5-18, all discontinued items are available only while supplies last and all sales of discontinued items are final. These specials are only available in the Online Store! 

So don't miss out you can order today by going to my website at http://pennyhanuszak.stampinup.net and click on Shop Now tab, then on the next screen click on the Clearance Rack.  The Clearance Rack is a great place to discover discontinued Stampin’ Up Merchandise at fantastic prices. 

Halloween Luminary Treat Can

Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year!  It can be SPOOKY or it can be just plain fun.  That was the idea behind this cute Luminary Treat Can I designed...............it's so fun and the kids faces light up when they see it.  The treat can can be used to collect goodies and after the event can light up the table or outside porch as a luminary. 
I designed this Luminary Treat Can for the UStamp With Dawn and Friends Early Summer Edition 2010.  If you are interested in making this project and 30 other fabulous projects, you can still register to get these tutorials. All you have to do is check out Dawn's website at:  http://ustampwithdawnandfriends.com/.  The Early Summer Edition 2010 along with  all of Dawn's other sessions are listed in her side bar.  Just click on the Summer Edition link for the details. 

Although this photo is a little blurry you can see how the luminary lights up in the dark.............SPOOKY!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sparking Hills, Beauty in the Hills of Vernon

On my recent visit to my fabulous sister's place in Vernon BC, I was thrilled to accept her invitation for lunch at the Sparkling Hills Hotel and Spa.  She had visited there recently and was so excited to share this gorgeous European styled spa that is nestled in the backdrop of Predator Ridge and the hills above Okanagan Lake.  To begin with, the setting is just breathtaking.......especially the golf course at Predator Ridge. I'm sure my husband would be thrilled to golf there!  The contrast between the greens and browns of the landscape just take your breath away.  And, as you approach the gates to Sparkling Hills the first thing you notice are the crystals in the Hotel's signage.  This place is aptly named, with it's "Pillars of Light" glass panels lining the driveway up to the spa. 

Pillars of Glass line the driveway, each embedded with thousands
 of precisely cut Swarovski crystals.  This picture just doesn't
do them justice...........they are stunning!!! 

These beautiful panels of Swarovski crystals just dance in the sunlight.........it's really amazing. 
The hotel/spa has such unusual architechture as you can see in the picture, but it show cases the views of the surrounding hills and valleys so well, that it would make it just a perfect "couple's getaway" place.  I could imagine having a spa treatment while my husband golfed, doing nature walks together and sitting back and relaxing at sunset in this fabulous place. Dreaming...................ah! The $10 million dollars worth of Swarovski crystals make this place quite simply radiant beyond measure, and they are everywhere from the magnificent ceiling feature in the entrance, backdrop to the registration desk and even in the inlays in the washroom mirrors. Whereever they've used them they seem to optimize the synergy of light, water and the effects of the illumination.   Like they say, "you have to see it to believe it".  

View of Lake Okanagan from one of the patio areas facing the lake.
Approach to the Sparkling Hills Hotel and Spa
A big thank you to my fabulous sister for my very yummy Tomato Tart with Tossed Greens Salad, and the opportunity to see this equally fabulous Hotel and Spa.  What a great day..........one of many I shared with her on this trip!!!!

My sister outside the entry way to the restaurant.  She is surrounded by Swarovski Crystal drops

A "Walk" for the Cure - Breast Cancer

We all know someone touched by breast cancer, whether it's your mother, sister, friend or work colleague.  Although it hasn't been in my immediate family, I've lost friends to this dreadful disease, and I also have valliant friends that are Breast Cancer survivors.

My good stamping buddy Sheri works for CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada), and has been an active participant in fund raising for their annual "CIBC - Run for the Cure" held on October 3rd.  CIBC is just one of the many great corporate sponsors who fund raises in tandem with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation in BC.  To show her support this year, Sheri held a card class and set up an on-line donation site for her portion of the fundraiser. Sheri also participates in the "run", and because I'm a fan and supporter too, I was fortunate enough to join her yesterday along, with thousands of others at Rotary Stadium in Abbotsford for this annual event.

Putting on the Corporate Team Shirt
Okay a little big in the shoulders but it really looks good!
  Now you have to know that Sheri and I aren't runners..........let's face it, our love in life is "stamping" what else.  But, occasionally we do get out and enjoy the fresh air and the joy of "walking".  So that's what we did.  We accomplished the 5k walk in under an hour, yakking about "stamping" the whole way!  What fun!!!   I was fascinated by all the "in the pink" participants, sporting pink wigs, t-shirts, runners and you name it in terms of costumes and props.  Also along for the walk were hundreds of willing children and pooches dressed in tutus, t-shirts, pink collars and shades!    It was hard to say who was cuter the dogs or the kids!  It was a great way to spend a Sunday morning and it felt terrific getting out for such a worthwhile cause .  My pledge is to get in shape for next year so I can actually run the 5k, raise some donation funds of my own, and make sure I get my annual mamogram. It's important!
Here's the starting gate - and we're on our way to5K!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

World Card Making Day - Fall Birthday Cards

Birthday Cards made with Autumn Spice Designer Series Paper - Holiday Mini Catalogue Pg. 13 #120808

Inside view of Gatefold Birthday Card

Detail for the front of the Gatefold Card

Inside View of Acorn Birthday Card.

The acorns are embossed wih Gold EP and add a bright touch to this plain card.
Hope you enjoy these two cards. Leave a comment and come back to visit again.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Win a Free Pass to Get a Jump on Your Jingle......Holiday Papercrafting 2010

Dawn Raspas of UStamp Dawn & Friends!! has just announced her next big event…it's called Get a Jump on Your Jingle…Holiday Papercrafting 2010!!   This fabulous event will run from November 12th to December 1st and Early Bird Pricing of $19.95 US is now open…until October 15th when the price will go to $24.95 US.  So don’t delay and don't miss out!! Register today!

Did you see my cool blinky?  You can click on it to see more details of this great event.  In the meantime I'm busy creating another project that I hope you will love.  This event will feature all your favourite designers from around the world and some brand new designers who're also busy creating a total of *40 Projects with Color Combos * 40 co-ordinating cards with co-ordinating envelopes *All Projects include downloadable PDF with Photo’s * Designer hosted chats with even MORE prizes * Open Chat Room 24/7 * Gallery to share your re-creations * A totally cool blinkie for your website/blog.  One of the really great things about participating in these UStamp with Dawn and Friends events is that you have plenty of time to go and work on your projects and visit this site as it stays open for months after it finishes in December. 

Okay, so this time around I have only "One Free Pass" to give away.  To be entered in my draw all you have to do is: Add a comment telling me what your favourite holiday tradition is, and include your name and email address so I can contact you.  I'll be drawing the winner's name by 8pm on October 8th.  So don't delay!  Comment today!

Dodge Charger Masculine Birthday - FMS#678

This sketch at Freshly Made Sketches is open to interpretation as you can see from the Design Team's samples.   The moment I looked at t...