Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Welcome July - Happy Canada Day!!!!!

Happy July 1st and Happy Canada Day!

July is the seventh month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with the length of 31 days. It is, on average, the warmest month in most of the Northern hemisphere (where it is the second month of summer) and the coldest month in much of the Southern hemisphere. The second half of the year commences in July. The birthstone for July is a red ruby. In the Southern Hemisphere, July is the seasonal equivalent of January in the Northern Hemisphere - Dog days begin in early July, when the hot sultry weather of summer usually starts, summer school is under way for many students, Spring lambs, born in late winter or early spring, are usually sold before July 1.

On Canada Day, Canadians celebrate the day the British North America Act created the Canadian federal government on July 1, 1867. This date was originally celebrated as Dominion Day up until the year 1982, when an Act of Parliament changed it to Canada Day. 

I'm Proud to Be a Canadian:

  • I live in one of the largest and most beautiful countries in the world.
  • I have freedom of speech, attitude and for the most part actions.  I'm polite. Diversity in history and heritage "Canadians have a diverse and rich heritage from our ancestors. It's instilled in us that we must leave a mark as Canadians on our planet."
  • We are a multi-cultural country and celebrate our differences. We are bilingual. And, yes we love our monarch Her Royal Majesty the Queen.
  • Canadians are funny - check out where the funniest Comedians come from - yup for the most part they are Canadian - Paul Gross (Constable Benton Fraser - Due South), Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara from Second City TV, Kids in the Hall (remember Dave Foley). John Candy, Mike Myers, Dan Acroyd, Rick Mercer, Jim Carrey, Howie Mandel to name "just a few".
  • We have so many great Canadian actors, singers, sports personalities, scientists, politicians and heroes:  William Shatner, Donald Sutherland, Gordon Pinsette, Ryan Reynolds, Pam Anderson, Celion Dion, Brian Adams, Gordon Lightfoot, Ann Murray, Avril Lavigne, David Foster, Sara McLachlan, Joni Mitchell, Barenaked Ladies, Burton Cummings, Rush, Neil Young, Guess Who,Terry Fox, Rick Hansen, David Suzuki, Alexander Graham Bell, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, McKenzie King, Dave Broadbent, Tommy Douglas, Mike Wier, Wayne Gretsky, Bobby Hull, Don Cherry .......... to name a few. 
  • Our national sport is hockey - can I say Wayne Gretsky! But we also love baseball and soccer.
  • One of our most frequently used words is Eh! 
  • Great Canadian Treats:  Nanaimo Bars (Yum! Yum!), Buttertarts, Pierogis, Screech, Tim Horton's Donuts, Canada Dry, Cheezies, Coffee Crisp Chocolate Bars, Werthers, Gold Fish, Montreal Bagels and smoked meats, Ice Cold Kokanee and Birch Beer and Bloody Caesars, Garlic fingers and donairs, nacho crunchies........to name a few.

Other reasons to celebrate the month of July:
  • July 1st - New Stampin' Up! Catalogue is released!   Need I say more..........

Harmonized Sales Tax Changes

It's not often that you hear good news regarding taxes, but Stampin' Up has just sent out a bulletin regarding the Harmonized Sales Tax Changes and how they will affect Stampin' Up Customers and Demos in BC and Ontario.  So here goes. 

"Sales tax in Ontario and British Columbia is changing to what's known as a Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) effective July 1."  What does that mean for you?  Well for one thing,  "with this change, recruits in Ontario and British Columbia will no longer have to pay taxes on the Starter Kit. The tax on the kit will apply only to those provinces with a separate provincial sales tax."  For those of you holding off on becoming Demos.........are you yelling yahoo yet?????  In BC you are already paying 12% sales tax which is the equivalent of the HST, so there will be no change or increase to affect you.  And finally, Stampin' Up order forms won't be changing either,  as Canadian forms already have a place to indicate HST and the percentage. It's the same as before, you simply need to choose the appropriate tax for the place you live.   So I don't know if that makes you feel any better, but I know it makes me feel great!!  Just thought I'd share this with you.  Have a great day! 

Monday, June 28, 2010

2010-2011 Idea Book and Catalogue............It's Almost Here!

Only two more sleeps until July 1st and you know what that means...................a whole brand new season of Stampin' Up starting with the release of the 2010/2011 Idea Book and Catalogue. Whoo Hoo! I can't wait! As one of the perks of being a demonstrator I've already received a pre-order of new stamps, cardstock and ink as well as my first shipment of the new Idea Book and Catalogue and I just can't wait to show you all the exciting new things I'm making.

I absolutely love getting the new cattie (must be a throw back to the old Sears Roebuck days). Anyway for me, it just doesn't get any better than the excitement of viewing all the new products and samples. I just pour over every page trying to soak it all in. And then I do it again, and again.......... well, you get the picture. Every year I think the newest catalogue is the best yet, but let me tell you Stampin' Up! has really lived up to the challenge this year!  Trust me there were lots of ooohs and awhs when I opened this year's book, and oh my is it good!  For example, the Idea Book and Catalogue has even more pages than last year, and it's  jam packed full of ideas and inspiration - enough to keep you crafting all year long! The arrival of Stampin’ Ups! Color Renovation and Six New In Colors is also exciting, and while we were sorry to see some of our old favourites go, you’ll be sure to find fresh and fun color inspiration on every page, with these updated colors.
As a token of my appreciation to all my loyal "on line" customers and workshop hostesses, and you know who you are................. a free copy of the Idea Book and Catalogue is being sent your way. I can't wait to hear your comments ......... and I know you’re looking forward to having your very own copy too! You’re going to love the new designs, cards, and layouts and all the helpful hints.  

The Idea Book is just $11.95, plus postage.and this is such a fabulous value for all of the ideas and inspiration you’ll find packed into it.  But for a limited time you can make the deal even better!! If you live in the Fraser Valley area and would like to find out more about the Idea Book and Catalogue and obtaining your own free copy just drop me an email at pennyhanuszak@telus.net

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Have You Seen the New Color Selector?

Julie Edmonds over at Incredible Stamping is a Stampin' Up Demonstrator from Eureka MO who shares her talents and love of paper crafting, teaching and knowledge with others, through  in home workshops,
stamping and scrapbooking classes. She also publishes a wonderful newsletter and most recently has shared a computerized color selector that will make using the new Stampin' Up color changes so much easier to incorporate into your projects.  Check out her "incredible blog" and her new site My Create Ink Color Lab.  Drop a tip in her tip jar if you want to use this site and post her widget on your blog.

Happy Father's Day!

My memories of a wonderful man.......... my dad.

He wore suspenders and baggy pants, often accompanied by an old red cardigan sweater and his grey hat.  He smelled of tobacco and ink and his fingers were rough from hard work, and much like a mechanic, his nail beds were never clean, they always wore a streak of ink.  He was a printer by trade and he knew everything there was to know about type, ink and paper...............guess that's where I got my love for it.  When I was a child I used to watch him setting type on his old hand press in the basement.  It was fascinating.  That old red press .....I can still hear the clang and bang as he pressed the handle down to make the impressions.  He'd earn some extra pocket money printing off business cards and flyers for local businesses, and did this well into his 70's, never losing his love and fascination for it. 

When he laughed it was like a jingle not often heard but well remembered. He had twinkling blue eyes often belying some secret joke or something he found humerous.   He loved nature and growing his garden, along with his wife of 57 years, various dogs and his cockatiel Joey.  He also loved his five children and all their offspring.  Dad always delighted in holding the new babies and enjoyed their visits.  He took great pride in all their accomplishments and would have loved to have been here to see all the latest great grandchildren and to have shared their growth and triumphs. 

Dad passed away in 1998, but it seems like only yesterday.  I think of him almost every day.  He would have so loved my passion for stamping and creating paper projects. He always encouraged my art work and printing and was really enthused when I started doing caligraphy.   I didn't start stamping until 2006 so he missed that journey, but it's funny, every time I lay ink to paper he's there with me.  He encourages me a lot in my color choices and my layouts, and he enjoys my pastime immensely. 

Today I'll take my mom to visit his graveside and we'll say hello and talk awhile and I'll envision him standing at the end of the driveway as we approach, with his hands in his pockets, the old red sweater and gray hat and a rollie in his hand. He'll be walking up the road to meet us as he did so many times.   I loved my dad and always will.  Hope you don't mind my reverie but I just wanted to share my thoughts.  Happy Father's Day Dad, we'll talk later...........


A few Sunday's ago my wonderful stamping friend Sheri and I got together for a fun afternoon and evening of stamping.  I had seen a Father's Day suspender box in the June/July 2007 Paper Crafts Magazine (designed by Lisa Strahl) that intrigued me so after showing it to Sheri we decided to make our own box and matching card using the suspender theme.  We cut the base of the card box from Blue Bayou and the lid from Chocolate Chip cardstock.  Sheri attached her lid, but I chose to keep mine separate.   We used some old Blue Bayou double stitched ribbon I had kicking around for the suspenders, and added brass toned hodge podge hardward for the strap detail and attachments for the pants.  The pocket was made using the large tag punch and we paper pierced around the edge so it looked like stitching.  The pocket was mounted with dimensionals to give it some depth.   The buttons were made by punching out six circles from the Blue Bayou cardstock with a 3/4" circle punch, and layering the circles on top of each other.  We then punched out button holes and I finished mine with a coat of Crystal Effects for a shiny button look.  The pants were made from Chocolate Chip cardstock and we made a belt using hodge podge hardware.  The card is similar to one made by Alisa Bangerter in the June/July 2008 Papercrafts Magazine, and was made using the same card stock and DSP paper combination. Paper piercing and the addition of large brass eyelets on the So Saffron card stock add some interest, and some matching blue DSP ties it altogether.   Enjoy and comment if you like it! 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Two Wonderful Awards from Two Wonderful Stamping Friends!

Last Sunday I spent 6 or 7 hours chit chatting and stamping with my dear and wonderful friend Sheri.  To tell the truth we probably spent more time talking than we did creating and stamping........but that's another story.  Anyway it was a glorious time!  She told me that she had given me a "Beautiful Blogger" award and that I needed to check it out on her site, so I did that today and here is my fabulous award.  To accept this award I need to share 10 things about myself............groan this is hard:

1.  I like to stay up late and blog hop.
2.  I love spaghetti with thick marinara sauce........ my favourite!!!
3.  I fell in love with my husband when I was 15 and married him 3 years later.  We're still married.
4.  I love to watch old movies and I'm fascinated by the clothing and hairstyles.  Betty Davies you were a looker!
5.  I enjoy walking............ it's my favourite exercise regime.
6.  Love going to Zeller's for Thursday morning breakies with our friends.  Retirement Rocks!
7.  Majong and Freecell are my favourite computer games and I love winning!!!
8.  I work as a casual from time to time, not because I need the money but because I love to work.  Crazy huh!!!   I love all aspects of being in an office atmosphere.   Gets my adreneline pumping!
9.  My favourite cookies are Girl Guide Vanilla ones..................oh yum!
10. I'm hearing impaired, and find it difficult sometimes communicating in the hearing world and dealing with my loss.  However since I've joined UStamp and other stamping sites, I've found a new freedom and feel just like one of the girls! 

Okay that's all you get to learn about me for now.  My second award came while I was away on my trip, so I didn't actually see it for awhile.  It comes from a fellow UStamp Designer Betty Traciuk, who is so special. Check out Betty's blog.............she is one talented lady and she's one of those great people who brightens your day when you get a note from her.  And let me tell you this "Sunshine Award" really brightened my day and came at a time when I really needed it.   Betty how did you know? Thanks so much!!!

To accept this award I need to tell you about a few folks that I think really deserve a Sunshine Award too.

To begin with, I'm going to shoot this award over to Sheri because she absolutely deserves it.  Sheri is a guest designer on Swap Sisters and just bowls me over with all the beautiful creations she comes up with.  Along with all the joy from looking at her stuff, Sheri just makes me laugh.............. can't beat that!!!
hats off to you Sheri and enjoy your award!

The second person I want to give this award to is none other than Sue Denning who is from the "Sunshine" Coast in Queensland Austrailia.  Sue is a fabulous gal who I met through UStamp.  She is such a dedicated and hardworking Stampin Up demo.  Check out her site and group Swap Sisters............. you'll love it! 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome June

Today is the first day of June and it is such a wonderful month.  According to Wikkipedia June is the 6th month of the year with a length of 30 days and it is sometimes called "The Season of the Unicorn".  I found some of these interesting facts about June and thought I would share them:
  1. June is the month with the longest daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest daylight hours in the Southern Hemisphere.
  2. June's birthstone is the "pearl" and other gemstones that are celebrated this month are Moonstone and Alexandrite.  The meaning is health and longevity.
  3. June's birth flower is the Rose.
  4. For those of you who follow astrological signs the sun rises in Gemini and ends in Cancer.
  5. The summer solstice is celebrated on June 21st
  6. Father's Day in Canada and the US is celebrated onthe 3rd Sunday in June.
  7. June is sometimes called the "marriage" month
  8. June is a very common first name for women (#176 out of 4276) and also a very common last name for both men and women (#8724 out of 88799). (1990 U.S. Census)
  9. Famous women named June included June Alyson, June Lockhart, June Cleaver (sure there's more)
  10. Stampin Up releases their retired lists in June (see previous note).
So there's a few facts about June.  

Last Chance Stamp Lists, Accessories Etc................... Get Them While They're Hot

June 1st is such a special day...................... YESSIREE!!!............. Stampin' Up is clearing the decks to make way for the new Idea Book and Catalogue for 2010-2011 which will launch in July, and in order to do that they've identified all the retiring Stampin' Up stamp sets, accessories and definitely decorative products that will be on the way out.  So, if you had your heart set on getting either a stamp set, paper or other accessories in your favorite retiring color or wall art from the definitively decorative elements now is your absolute last chance.  This merchandise clears really quickly so if you want something do it today!  You can order from my on-line shop button or email  me for assistance in placing an order. 

Here are the all important links to these 3 important lists: 

Last Chance Stamp List

A selection of stamps from the 2009-2010 Idea Book & Catalogue are retiring, and now is your last chance to get them! Check the list today to see if any of your favourites are leaving, then place your order in my Online Store.

Hundreds of accessories are being discontinued—order your favourites today before they’re gone forever! Accessories are only available while supplies last, so be sure to click the Shop Now button and check the list often.


Dozens of products from our Definitely Decorative line are being discontinued; check the list to see which ones you can’t live without, then place your order in my Online Store! All Last Chance products are only available June 1-30. Order your favourites today!

Dodge Charger Masculine Birthday - FMS#678

This sketch at Freshly Made Sketches is open to interpretation as you can see from the Design Team's samples.   The moment I looked at t...