Showing posts with label Canada Day Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada Day Thoughts. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Welcome July - Happy Canada Day!!!!!

Happy July 1st and Happy Canada Day!

July is the seventh month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with the length of 31 days. It is, on average, the warmest month in most of the Northern hemisphere (where it is the second month of summer) and the coldest month in much of the Southern hemisphere. The second half of the year commences in July. The birthstone for July is a red ruby. In the Southern Hemisphere, July is the seasonal equivalent of January in the Northern Hemisphere - Dog days begin in early July, when the hot sultry weather of summer usually starts, summer school is under way for many students, Spring lambs, born in late winter or early spring, are usually sold before July 1.

On Canada Day, Canadians celebrate the day the British North America Act created the Canadian federal government on July 1, 1867. This date was originally celebrated as Dominion Day up until the year 1982, when an Act of Parliament changed it to Canada Day. 

I'm Proud to Be a Canadian:

  • I live in one of the largest and most beautiful countries in the world.
  • I have freedom of speech, attitude and for the most part actions.  I'm polite. Diversity in history and heritage "Canadians have a diverse and rich heritage from our ancestors. It's instilled in us that we must leave a mark as Canadians on our planet."
  • We are a multi-cultural country and celebrate our differences. We are bilingual. And, yes we love our monarch Her Royal Majesty the Queen.
  • Canadians are funny - check out where the funniest Comedians come from - yup for the most part they are Canadian - Paul Gross (Constable Benton Fraser - Due South), Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara from Second City TV, Kids in the Hall (remember Dave Foley). John Candy, Mike Myers, Dan Acroyd, Rick Mercer, Jim Carrey, Howie Mandel to name "just a few".
  • We have so many great Canadian actors, singers, sports personalities, scientists, politicians and heroes:  William Shatner, Donald Sutherland, Gordon Pinsette, Ryan Reynolds, Pam Anderson, Celion Dion, Brian Adams, Gordon Lightfoot, Ann Murray, Avril Lavigne, David Foster, Sara McLachlan, Joni Mitchell, Barenaked Ladies, Burton Cummings, Rush, Neil Young, Guess Who,Terry Fox, Rick Hansen, David Suzuki, Alexander Graham Bell, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, McKenzie King, Dave Broadbent, Tommy Douglas, Mike Wier, Wayne Gretsky, Bobby Hull, Don Cherry .......... to name a few. 
  • Our national sport is hockey - can I say Wayne Gretsky! But we also love baseball and soccer.
  • One of our most frequently used words is Eh! 
  • Great Canadian Treats:  Nanaimo Bars (Yum! Yum!), Buttertarts, Pierogis, Screech, Tim Horton's Donuts, Canada Dry, Cheezies, Coffee Crisp Chocolate Bars, Werthers, Gold Fish, Montreal Bagels and smoked meats, Ice Cold Kokanee and Birch Beer and Bloody Caesars, Garlic fingers and donairs, nacho name a few.

Other reasons to celebrate the month of July:
  • July 1st - New Stampin' Up! Catalogue is released!   Need I say more..........

Floral Delight "Hello" - FMS #679

  Hi and welcome back to a new week and a new card challenge.  This week I am using the FMS #679 for my "hello" greeting card.  It...