Sunday, July 3, 2022

July Is Watercolor Month


Did you know that July is World Watercolor Month?  Stampin' Up has lots of watercoloring products to celebrate! Their product list includes watercolor pencils, paper, stamps, ink refills and more for crafters of any level to use in their crafting projects?  Click here to check out the details in my online store.

Throughout the month Stampin' Up will be sharing videos and watercolouring techniques, and I'll be sharing them with you.  To begin with check out this video where you'll learn some awesome and simple ways to add watercolouring to your list of papercrafting skills and get ready for some fun! 

I'm off to my craft room, to try some of these out and will be sharing my results in coming posts. 

Happy Stamping!
Penny Tokens Stampin' Spot

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