Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Last of my Holiday Sneak Peeks

I'm back today with the final three videos showcasing some exciting products  from the Holiday Catalogue that will be released on September 5th.  

    If you missed the previous previews I posted, no worris just click on either of these links to see the exciting new stuff that's coming soon:

    Happy Stamping!
    Penny Tokens Stampin' Spot!

    Penny's August Promos:

    Click here to see what this Promo Is All About.

    Click here to see how you can earn Bonus Day Coupons
    to apply towards your September orders.

    August Hostess Code PJF34FPF

    Want to earn some free product but your order is under $200.00 (before shipping & handling)? Don't worry. You can get a small Stampin' Reward from me just by applying my August Hostess Code to the end of your ON-LINE order.* Note: If your order is over $200.00 please don't use this Hostess Code because you already qualify for your own Stampin' Rewards.  *Gift value is based on the total number of orders and amount of accumulated On-line orders using hostess code #PJF34FPF during this month. 

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