Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 Occasions Now Available!

Happy New Year Everyone!  
Wow 2014.... it's arrived!  Can you believe it? I've been on a relaxing family holiday and really enjoyed being away, but now that I'm back, it's time to get caught up and begin with a fresh start.

In keeping with "out with the old and in with the new" traditions, Stampin' Up! has retired the Holiday Catalogue and moved into the new year with the release of it's exciting new catalogue, called 2014 Occasions.     

2014 Occasions Catalog:  Available January 3rd to May 31, 2014.  
2014 Occasions Catalogue and Supply List:

To check out all the exciting new products in this catalogue you can view the On-line PDF version by clicking here.  

For the Supply Lists for all the beautiful projects displayed in this catologue just click here.  Quick links to both the PDF version  and the supply lists will be permanently available on my blog sidebar for ease of access in the near future.  

If you'd like to get a catalogue of your own you can purchase one for $1.50 by entering the product code #134947 on your next order.  If you choose me as your demonstrator, and place a minimum order of $25 you'll receive all of the catogues released by Stampin Up during a catalogue year for FREE.  

Holiday Catalogue Carry Over Stamps and Accessories: 

Although the Stampin' Up! Holiday Catalog has expired, you still have an opportunity to get some of those stamps that you mght have missed out on. Here's the link to the holiday items that are still available for purchase. They will be available until May 31st, 2014 as carryover sets.  

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Floral Delight "Hello" - FMS #679

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