Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Join for $25.00 - Oct 7-21, 2013

Join Stampin' Up! - Join My Team!

  • Would you like a discount on your favourite products? 
  • A chance to earn extra cash? 
  • Tons of exclusive creative ideas at your fingertips?
It you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions then you'll want to hear more about Stampin' Ups! "Join for $25.00" during this two week 25 year anniversary promotion.

Because Stampin' Up! is celebrating it's 25th Anniversary this year they want to offer you an opportunity to "join the Stampin' Up! family as a demonstrator.  What fun!  

So, from October 7th to 21st (two weeks only) you can join my Stampin' Up! team for only $25.00.  That's right $25.00 -the cost to join has never been this low - in all of Stampin' Ups! 25 years!

The Fine Print:
When you join my team you'll get the $25 Starter Kit which includes the following:
  • Up to $26.95 worth of Stampin' Up! product (it must be more than $25, but not more than $26.95 before tax)  - you choose your product, for example:
      • Whisper White 8 1/2 x 11 card stock  #100730 $9.25
      • Basic Black Ink Pad $7.25 #126980 $7.25
      • Multipurpose Liquid Glue #110755 $5.95
      • Adhesive Remover #103684 $4.50
      • Total = $26.95 
  • Business pack which includes:
    • A box of annual catalogues
    • A package of the current seasonal catalogue
    • Getting Started DVD
    • Starter Kit Business Brick 
    • Customer postcard
And, as an added bonus, here are some more reasons to join Stampin' Up! now: 
  • As a new demonstrator, you'll get an extra 10 percent discount on your  first order of $150 or more providing you place your order in the first 45 days of being a demonstrator. That means you can use the money you saved on the $25 starter kit to get 30 percent off your first order of Stampin' Up! goodies!
  • As a new recruit you'll also get two FREE months of Demonstrator Business Web Services (DBWS)!
  •  When you join my team, you'll also get my expertise and that of other members of my team because we have a passion for paper crafting, share what we love and help one another be successful, whether it's as a hobby demonstrator or as a business venture.

 Note:  During this offer, only the special $25 starter kit will be available; the regular $125  starter kit will not be available.   

Remember, this offer starts a week today on October 7th, and it only runs for for two weeks, so take advantage of it right away! Go to my web site, watch the video and click on the join now button.  It's that easy.  Check it out here:
Or call me to get started today.  

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