Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Year and New Season is On It's Way

Now that the holiday season is behind us we can look forward with anticipation to Spring!  One great way to do that is to check out Stampin' Ups! just released Spring Catalogue.  If you haven't received a copy check out this on-line PDF. 

Here's how you can get your own free copy of all Stampin' Ups! catalogues:
  • Place an on-line, workshop or individual order with me (minimum $25.00) at least once a year and you will be added to my catalogue mail out program.
  • Host a workshop and you are eligible for this free catalogue program. 

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What's New in February - Stampin' Up!

Hi everyone! We're still hunkered down in this weekend's blast or snow and arctic air, so I'm hoping to spend some time doing wh...