Friday, July 23, 2010

Share What You Love - Stampin' Up Convention 2010 - Some Highlights

Each year, Stampin' Up! demonstrators from across the US and Canada gather for three days of education, celebration, and motivation. Convention always includes time to swap cards, attend business classes and new-product demonstrations, participate in Make & Takes, and enjoy time with the best stampers in the world!   This year the convention is being held at the Salt Lake Convention Palace in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake Convention Palace in Salt Lake City.

I couldn't find a picture of the convention crowd for this year's event but as you can see from this 2008 Opening Day picture, thousands of demonstrators sign up for this absolutely fabulous fun filled 4-day event. I sure wish I was one of them and could have attended this year, but it wasn't in the cards (no pun intended).  But next year I'm going to make it one of my goals to attend. If you're interested in becoming a demonstrator or returning as a previous demo maybe we can plan to go together! Wouldn't that be fun?

In the meantime I must be satisfied with surfing the net for photos and dreaming about attending! Disappointingly there really hasn't been much news from our local gals who're attending (Colourful Impressions) or from UStamp With Friends (Dawn Raspas) about the Convention Highlights so I decided to do some sleuthing on my own and discovered some blogs with pictures of the event and sample walls.  Everything looks so cool!!  Thanks ladies.  

So, if you're like me and would like to see what's going on,  and get a sneak peak of convention highlights too, pop on over to Sandi MacIver's Blog. What a great gal!  She's been taking away from her time at convention to post pictures on her blog, and has organized a blog hop with her friends Carole Ann Sluchinski (Stamping Stress Away) and Lee Conrey (Stampingleeyours). They're all hanging together, but have agreed to post different pictures on their sites to highlight the events they saw.  Oh, and if you leave a comment on their blogs you could win a collapsible trash container for the table top.  I just loved their pictures and stories of the event.  Happy surfing! 

Shelli Gardner on stage Opening Day at Stampin'Up 2010 Convention Salt Lake City.

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