Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Problem With Change

Change is usually a good thing, but sometimes change makes things difficult.  Take my blog for instance.  At the end of June I decided to go to a 3-column setup and chose one of the new Blogger template designs.  Took me the better part of a day to work out the kinks of transition, and I thought I had it all captured.  July 1st comes along and a couple of things happened that have affected my blog since that time. 
  • My July 1st post............... well, it didn't post until today!  How did that happen?
  • My PennyTokensStampingBlogspot title is all crammed into the left do I stretch it out?
  • None of my widgets/gadgets work, so I'm linkless in the right column............. how can I share with you? 
I'm sad these problems arose but I'm not going to let it get me down.  I hope you'll hang in there with me as I try to circumnavigate this electronic world and work out the kinks.  In the meantime if you want to look at the catelogues or any of the other items I put a link to in the right hand column, just right click on it and choose Open in New Tab from the dialogue box..........that should take you to the new catties.  If you can open all the links from your side of the screen without any problems, drop me a comment and let me know, because maybe it's only me that's affected.  Wouldn't that be rich?  LOL!!! 


Kathryn Mangelsdorf said...

Hi Penny, I too updated my blog with the new templates available and I think some of my links now don't work. Lynette said that you hosted a chat on UStamp during the week, sorry I was at work! I find that there is not so much interaction on UStamp as there was about 12 months ago...don't know if there are as many members either so this maybe why. Are you having lots of fun with the new catalogue and colours. Take care and hopefully will catch up again in the chat room soon.

Sue Denning said...

Hey Penny

Sing out if I can help. You're measurements on your header need to be changed so that it spreads the distance at the top, not be contained within the left hand sidebar and a few other things need tweeking. Let me know if I can help!


Jenny Adams said...

Oh those silly computer gremlins! Not to worry... as you say, it will sort itself out - and as Princess Kathryn says... I'll bet you're having fun with the new colours and catalogue!!!

Alysabeth said...

OMG I just started a new blog and I had the exact same problem with the header ARG!

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