Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Last Chance Sale Starts Today



Sales Period: 24 March, 1:00 PM – 3 May 2021, 11:59 PM (MT)

Here's the Scoop! 

It's that time of year folks when Stampin' Up! begins the transition process from the current catalogue to the brand new annual catalogue for 2021/22 which is scheduled for release on May 2nd, 2021).  

So here's the scoop on what's for sale and how to access the lists and products:

  • Only select items in the 2020–2021 Annual Catalog will be discounted.
Click Here to Shop at the Last Chance Products Sale
  • Sale applies to all order types except host items (see Last-Chance Products List for items on sale) or go directly on line here.
  • No minimum purchase is required.
  • Retiring items are available only while supplies last 
  • Items and discounts may vary by market (depending on inventory levels).
  • Carryover items and some retiring items will not be discounted. 
  • All bundles are retiring so if you want them at the discounted price you need to order now.  They may be carried over to the new catalogue but they will have to be purchased at individual prices that apply. 
  • Items carrying over from a mini catalog into another mini catalog will not be available until that catalog is released.
  • Items carrying over from the annual catalog to another catalog will be available continuously.
  • Remember if your order is under $200 CDN before s&h&tax, to apply my March Hostess Code BPWWMBT4 before you close your order to receive a free reward gift and thank you card from me.
  • For PDF Copies of the Last-Chance Supply Items, click the version you want here:

    English PDF Word: 

    English Excel Version:

    French PDF Word:

    French Excel Version: 

Ordering deadlines: 

By Phone:  3 May 2021; 6:50 PM   Online: 3 May 2021; 11:59 PM

Remember these items go fast and they're only available while supplies last. Don’t miss this last chance to get these items!

Penny Hanuszak, Canadian Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator


Apply my March Hostess Code until March 31st, 2021* to orders less than $200.00 before shipping and handling, and you'll receive a free gift and hand made thank you card from me.  Remember to do this before you complete and submit your order.  Thank you! 

* Note orders in April will use Hostess Code #BRAKMUDX for the whole month.

Click here to Shop in my 24/7 Online Store:

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